Nabity Business Advisors
9802 Nicholas Street, Suite 105
Omaha, NE 68114
Phone: 402-391-0222
Fax: 402-391-0222
Our Location
Nabity Business Advisors
Take the Westroads Mall exit off of West Dodge Road. Follow 98th Street north until it curves west becoming Nicholas Street. Turn right onto Nicholas St. from 98th and turn left (north) where you see the Bloomfield Hills Professional Park sign. Nabity Business Advisors is building 100 to the right as you enter at 9802 Nicholas St. and is suite 105.
Contact Form
How can we help you?
Our Mission As Advisors
To make sure that all of the children still love each other and want to stay together as a family, enjoying holidays and family events, after Mom and Dad are gone.
To assure that the family estate transfers to where it will continue to grow for future generations and not be wasted on taxes or those who will misuse it.
To position the company for long-term success, after the founders are gone, so that the employees and their families do not suffer due to layoffs, closings and consolidation. The community impact can be devastating.
Provide opportunity for young leaders to rise to senior-level positions and have the incentive of participating in the financial growth of the business, if they perform, which can include possible ownership as others retire.