How to Manage the Transaction of Stocks Between Family Members

In this installment of our series on transitioning stock, we’ll be discussing how business owners should handle the logistics of this deal.

Welcome back to our series on how to transition stock from your business. As we mentioned in part one, which you can view here, transitioning stock to family members can be a tricky process. This is especially true when only some of your family members are active in the business, or even when all family members are active, but only a couple are really putting in the time and effort to make it successful.

When the time comes to start thinking about transitioning your stock to family members, the first point to consider is your business’ value. Because you and your family are likely somewhat biased, having a neutral third party analyze the value of your business is generally the best approach. Such an analysis will not only be more accurate than one conducted by you or your family members, but it will also help to reduce internal conflict.

After you’ve assessed your business’ value, it’s time to think critically about who will be the most capable successor. There may be cases where one of your children is CEO material, but there may be other instances in which looking outside of the company will reap the best results. The most important thing is that you find someone who is truly equipped to lead in your stead. Again, having a third-party (like Nabity Business Advisors) to help you with this decision can ease this process.

Once these details have been settled, the next step is to make a plan for executing the deal. Do you write a lump-sum check? Do you sell all your stock in exchange for a note? Should you seek a loan from the bank?

There are many different ways to go about handling this transaction, and, again, the best way to determine which strategy is right for you will be to have an outside firm come in and look at your business’ specific circumstances. The value of this third-party guidance is impossible to overstate.

As a final note, please realize that this decision is about more than just the integrity of your business. Handling this transition incorrectly has the potential to destroy your family. This is the core reason why having an intermediary involved is so crucial.

We at Nabity Business Advisors specialize in facilitating transitions like this, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions or would like more information. We look forward to connecting with you soon. As a final note: Be on the lookout for part three of this series. You won’t want to miss it.

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